sábado, 28 de setembro de 2013

Changes around the Internet!

Hi guys! Lately I have noticed some changes! 

Have you noticed that (ever since the new Chrome update?) the commenting form on blogger is different! 

Do you see it? That little "Notify me" at the right corner? Does it mean that you get an email when someone replies to your comment? Could it be? Oh, please let it be true!! I have been praying for something like this ever since I started blogging! (Which isn't all that long, but still!!). Have you tried it already? Does it work? :D

Another thing that I have been seeing a lot around is the drama involving Goodreads and their new review/shelf-naming policies. I don't think that I have ever mentioned any kind of author behaviour in reviews and I definitely haven't done that in any shelves. Yet, I think that it is wrong that they are deleting things without even a warning.  I'll still use my Goodreads account, at least for now (probably not as much as before?) but I also created a BookLikes account. Even though I am still trying to understand how to work with it, I already found something amazing! You can give half-stars on reviews! It was something that I felt was lacking on Goodreads.

Is there any changes that I am missing? (since I just talked about two it is very likely that I missed something haha)
What do you think of these changes?

7 comentários:

  1. How interesting! I hadn't noticed that new checkbox. I actually changed to using CommentLuv because I hated that people didn't get my replies. I'm going to check the checkbox now and I'll let you know if I get an email with your reply. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I almost didn't notice it either! Funny how I was considering maybe getting CommentLuv too (if it wasn't too complicated...these short months of blogging have proven that I don't do well with complicated hahaha). Thank you so much for helping me out!! :D

    2. I got an email with your reply. Now the real test will be waiting to see if I also get an email when someone else comments on this post or if I only get your reply to mine.

  2. I noticed the new feature, but haven't gotten round to use it yet...because I'm not a fan of getting lots of emails LOL. I still bookmark the pages I comment on, and go back to them after a while! How ancient, I know ;).
    As for GR - I wrote a blog post about it myself:
    Like you, I never address authors in my reviews, but I don't like this new policy nonetheless. My friends Guinevere and Libertad at TwinjaBookReviews mentioned BookLikes in their own post about maybe leaving GR, so I grew curious, but still haven't registered on there. Half stars sound great though. Any other interesting difference between GR and BL? Because I might seriously consider joining it...

    1. Since I am a bit forgetful, I am quite excited about this new feature! And I don't mind the emails :)
      As for BookLikes...I haven't been on there a lot but I think it is a bit harder to understand then Goodreads, maybe with time it will get better

  3. Ignore my terrible grammar. I mean People chose to be on there, so in their (Goodreads) house, people have to abide by those rules. Geez, what was I thinking? I totally have monday brain!

  4. The problem is that there have been people who have had about 90 reviews deleted and I seriously don't think that they wrote 90 reviews insulting the authors...and even if they had I think Goodreads should let them know that the reviews were getting deleted in case they wanted to save it anr change it or even explain something that might have been misinterpretated. As for the shelves, I don't think that Goodreads should touch them...( I do agree that there should be mutual respect, both from the readers and from the authors)


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